Welcome! After being away for a year, after following my heart which took me to the furthest place on the planet away from my home, I am seeing things with a new clarity. I am ready to make my life what I need it to be. I am ready to share and love and live in a way that rewards me and fulfils me spiritually. I am ready. and this is me, speaking from my heart.

avec amour,


Thursday 9 June 2011

Open Wounds

When the soreness in my eyes
matches that of my heart,
I know things have gone too far.

When life weighs down
so heavy I can't breathe,
I know things have become too hard.

I feel like I couldn't take
one more thing in my life
without crumbling completely.

There is no answer.
There is no solution.

Only time can heal
my open wounds.

Time and love.
Love and time.

Loving time but hating it too.
How dare you let all slip away.
How dare you march on without my say.
I needed you to wait.. just a bit longer..

Oh how you've hurt me through time.
Oh how I've been hurt over the years.
It is too much. I have no more words.
Only tears.

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