Welcome! After being away for a year, after following my heart which took me to the furthest place on the planet away from my home, I am seeing things with a new clarity. I am ready to make my life what I need it to be. I am ready to share and love and live in a way that rewards me and fulfils me spiritually. I am ready. and this is me, speaking from my heart.

avec amour,


Thursday 9 June 2011

Dear Love,

I've waited for you.
I'm waiting for you.
I need you to arrive,
Yet I dont want you to.
The fickle agents who bring you
have turned me away.

Oh love....
I've came close to you
but missed you by a mile.
In turn, I've waited awhile
dealing with empty agents who only fool me.
They have turned me off.

Now love,
I believe in you
very deeply I do
But you seem to be avoiding me.
My heart bursts with you.
It pains me to meet the empty souls you call men,
and know that they will be the bearers of your gifts.

I will continue to wait.
Patiently wait.
I'm in no rush.
I don't want you.
I only need you.

1 comment:

  1. 'love' is right here sweetie. He's typing this post to you now. You run, I'll chase. Its more fun that way anyway. :)
