Welcome! After being away for a year, after following my heart which took me to the furthest place on the planet away from my home, I am seeing things with a new clarity. I am ready to make my life what I need it to be. I am ready to share and love and live in a way that rewards me and fulfils me spiritually. I am ready. and this is me, speaking from my heart.

avec amour,


Thursday 9 June 2011

Dear Hatred,

Oh how blindly you takeover
How deeply in my veins you run...
How underestimated you are..
I hate your presents.
You are unwelcome within me..
How do i fall prey?

Now hatred,
When I meet you in other people,
It saddens me so
It breaks my heart to know
How present you are in the outside world.
How can i see you in some people's eyes?
How do you reach so many people?

Go hatred!
Leave I said!
You are not welcome.
As your presence reeks of filth.
You are killing our souls.
And eating out the core of our lives.
How do you feel to know
You are the biggest loser of all?
Everyone HATES you. 

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